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Sign Up Online for a Veterans ID Card: Here’s How.

Date Posted: Monday, October 29, 2018

Category: Advocacy/Outreach - International

VAntage Point, a Department of Veterans Affairs blog, published the following guidance on how veterans can apply for their ID card.

”Veterans with honorable service can apply for the Veterans Identification Card (VIC) to use as proof of military service.

"The new Veterans Identification Card provides a safer and more convenient and efficient way for most Veterans to show proof of service," said VA secretary Dr. David J. Shulkin when the card was launched. "With the card, Veterans with honorable service to our nation will no longer need to carry around their paper DD-214s to obtain Veteran discounts and other services."

If you already have a photo ID issued by the Department of Defense or a Veterans Health ID, you don't need the new card. To request a VIC, Veterans must visit vets.gov, click on "Sign In" in the top right hand corner and establish an ID.me account. Once the Veteran verifies their identity they may request to "Apply for the Veteran ID Card." Watch the video below for more information.”

Read the full article at: Department of Veterans Affairs