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Interim Guidance: Director of National Intelligence Issues New Security Clearance Guidance (April 5, 2013)
Category: Security Clearance
The interim guidance allows victims of sexual assault to answer "No" to Question 21 on the Standard Form 86, "Questionnaire for National Security Positions", which asks if you have in the last seven years consulted a health care professional regarding an emotional or mental health condition or if you were similarly hospitalized. Individuals who do answer "Yes" to Question 21, are protected by limitations on the scope of questions that background investigators may ask health care practitioners in determining whether the individual has a condition that could impair his/her judgment, reliability, or ability to properly safeguard classified information. These protections apply to all types of mental health counseling. Officials such as security managers, commanders, supervisors, and human resource personnel are prohibited from asking individuals for additional information regarding any mental health counseling they may include on the questionnaire.
External Website:
Office of Director of National Intelligence
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