Look & Listen
There's a wealth of video and audio files exploring opportunities and challenges faced in the past, experienced today, and likely to be addressed in the future while in, transitioning from, and out of military service.
Video: 2020 23d Annual Memorial Day Program at Women in Military Service for America Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery
Video: 05/26/20
view at: Women in Military Service for America »
You can view the 23d Annual Memorial Day Program hosted at the Women in Military Service for America memorial in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. at this internet link. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 memorial service was a virtual experience.
“#GoSilent” at 3:00 p.m. Local Time on Memorial Day: 33 Fallen Service Members June 2018-May 2019
Video: 05/27/19
view at: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) »
Thirty-three volunteer service members lost their lives in overseas conflicts June 2018-May 2019. The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) invite all to join them in a moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. local time every Memorial Day. The IAVA “#GoSilent” campaign began in 2011.
Examine the Role of the Commander in Sexual Assault
Video: 04/04/19
view at: House Armed Services Committee »
On April 2, 2019, the House Armed Services Committee hosted two panels composed of military justice reform advocates, military sexual assault survivors and military Judge Advocates. Congresswoman Jackie Spier made opening remarks, noting that the number of reported sexual assaults in the military continues to rise significantly while prosecutions and convictions have decreased. The American Bar Association along with Protect Our Defenders reinforced their position that until the decision to prosecute is made by independent attorneys and not military commanders with convening authority, there will not be an impartial military justice system free of retaliation and wrongful discharges for military personnel.
Sign Up Online for a Veterans ID Card: Here’s How.
Video: 10/29/18
view at: Department of Veterans Affairs »
VAntage Point, a Department of Veterans Affairs blog, published the following guidance on how veterans can apply for their ID card.
”Veterans with honorable service can apply for the Veterans Identification Card (VIC) to use as proof of military service.
"The new Veterans Identification Card provides a safer and more convenient and efficient way for most Veterans to show proof of service," said VA secretary Dr. David J. Shulkin when the card was launched. "With the card, Veterans with honorable service to our nation will no longer need to carry around their paper DD-214s to obtain Veteran discounts and other services."
If you already have a photo ID issued by the Department of Defense or a Veterans Health ID, you don't need the new card. To request a VIC, Veterans must visit vets.gov, click on "Sign In" in the top right hand corner and establish an ID.me account. Once the Veteran verifies their identity they may request to "Apply for the Veteran ID Card." Watch the video above for more information.”
International Fact-Checking Day (April 2d Annually)
Video: 04/02/18
view at: Poynter. »
The International Fact-Checking Network, a unit of the global journalism Poynter Institute, coordinates an annual “International Fact-Checking Day” event celebrating "fact-checking as an essential skill in journalism and public life." You can participate in the International Fact-Checking Network's annual ”International Fact-Checking Day” event by:
- Downloading the lesson plan prepared for International Fact-Checking Day 2017.
- Sending an email (factchecknet@poynter.org) if you'd like to participate by using our new lesson plan, organizing an activity or in other ways.
- Checking out the latest news on the fact-checking beat and sign up to "The Week In Fact-Checking."
Sexual Assault and Harassment in the U.S. Military
Video: 01/23/18
view at: YouTube »
A YouTube search of “sexual assault and sexual harassment in the military” provides access to numerous videos addressing this systemic issue within the largest U.S. federal agency and biggest world employer.
Protect Our Defenders Names New Chief Executive Officer
Video: 01/09/18
view at: Protect Our Defenders »
Scott Jensen, retired Marine Corps colonel and Marine Corps sexual assault and prevention unit, recently became the Chief Executive Officer for Protect Our Defenders, a nonprofit human rights organization advocating for servicewomen and men. They are focused on military justice reform to ensure an unbiased, more transparent federal agency legal system that operates independently from the civil legal system. They continue to challenge the Department of Defense’s (the largest employer in the world) efforts to recognize, deter, and litigate sexual assault and harassment within their ranks and to protect victims/survivors of sexual assault and harassment from retaliation and retribution. Protect Our Defenders offers pro bono legal services.
Former Air Force Academy Official Alleges Sexual Assault Cover-ups
Video: 12/12/17
view at: CBS News »
Part II of the CBS inestgative report on sexual assault at the United States Air Force Academy includes an interview with a former USAFA Sexual Assault Prevention Response official, Teresa Beasley, who served in the office for ten years.
Part I is also posted in the WomenVetsUSA "Media" section.
Air Force Academy Chief Responds to CBS News Sexual Assault Investigation
Video: 12/12/17
view at: CBS News »
The current Superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) spoke with CBS News about their two-part investigative report about sexual assault at the school. Lt. General Silveria stated he was “disgusted” with the reports, but doesn’t believe USAFA has problems handling reported cases.
CBS News investigative reports Parts I and II are posted in the WomenVetsUSA “Media” section.
Current and Former Cadets Speak Out on Sexual Assault at the Air Force Academy
Video: 12/11/17
view at: CBS News »
In Part I of this CBS News investigative report about sexual assault at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) current and former cadets share their experiences about reported sexual assaults.
Part II includes an interview with a former USAFA Sexual Assault Prevention Response official who served in the office for ten years. Part II is also posted in the WomenVetsUSA “Media” section.
Christmas 1915
Video: 12/04/17
view at: Celtic Thunder Christmas YouTube »
This video is Celtic Thunder's "Christmas 1915" rendition from the perspective of World War I servicemen in the battlefields during the holidays.
2016 Gender and Veteran Demographics
Video: 11/11/17
view at: YouTube »
The Department of Labor Women Veterans Program produced this video overview of 2016 women veteran demographics to include comparisons to their male veteran colleagues and the civilian labor force.
Veterans Day Fast Facts 2017
Video: 11/11/17
view at: ABC News »
ABC News offers Veterans Day ”Fast Facts.”
The First Time I Knew I Wanted to Serve
Video: 11/11/17
view at: CNN »
A series of videos are posted on CNN’s site sharing personal insight to veterans’ choices to serve in the military.
Blood Stripe
Video: 10/13/17
view at: Blood Stripe Film »
“Blood Stripe” is a 2016 film about a female Marine who returns to her small hometown after three tours in Afghanistan. The film creators focus on PTSD, trauma, and the cost of war on individuals and society.
It is a “Got Your 6”-certified film and it received the U.S. Best Fiction Feature Film Award at the 2016 Los Angeles Film Festival.
VA Celebrates New Strategic Partnerships on Veterans Day
Video: 11/11/16
view at: American Security Today »
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced nine new strategic partnerships that will offer services to veterans and their families. This continuing effort to bring the public and private sectors together is one of their five MyVA strategies to better reach out to assist veterans within their communities.
Veterans Day 2016: 10 Facts You Should Know
Video: 11/11/16
view at: ABC News »
This ABC News video shares facts about U.S. Veterans Day which used to be called Armistice Day, and is celebrated annually on Nov. 11 regardless the day of the week. Veterans Day pays respect to all who serve and served in the U.S. armed forces while Memorial Day honors those who died while serving in the military.
Healing Retreats May Reduce PTSD Symptoms, Improve Relationships
Video: 09/13/16
view at: U.S. Army »
The Institute for the Health of Military Families released the findings of their study of four-day healing retreats. They found that: "Preliminary results indicate that therapeutic retreats can reduce post-traumatic stress symptoms in veterans and improve relationships for both veterans and their caregivers." Retreats include a variety of activities, including PTSD education, acupuncture, yoga and art therapy.
Honor Flight Soley for Female Veteras a First for Columbus
Video: 09/12/16
view at: The Columbus Dispatch »
On Saturday, September 10, 2016, 81 women who served during World War II and the Korean and Vietnam Wars traveled to Washington D.C. It was the 77th Honor Flight from Columbus, Ohio, but this one was historic, as it carried only female veterans and most likely, the second or third from anywhere in the United States.
Honor Flight Austin Marking Special Milestone
Video: 09/01/16
view at: Fox 7 Austin »
In October 2016, Honor Flight Austin will host its first an all-female flight to Washington D.C. Women veterans who served during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam will participate.
USA: Assault in the Military
Video: 08/30/16
view at: VICELAND »
The Emmy-nominated VICELAND show WOMAN, screened "USA: Assault in the Military," the show's in-depth look into institutionalized sexual assault within the US military, at New York City's Lincoln Center on August 30, 2016. After the screening, Gloria Steinem, a lifelong feminist activist, with Loree Sutton, a retired Army brigadier general and psychiatrist now serving as the New York City's Department of Veterans' Services Commissioner, participated in a moderated livestream discussion "about sexual assault in the military, what's being done to combat the problem, and how survivors are getting help."
Veteran Embarks on Walk Across 48 States
Video: 08/26/16
view at: WMUR9 ABC »
Kevin Kinkead, a 25-year-old Army veteran from Nebraska, is walking all of the 48 continental states to raise awareness about veteran suicide. A friend he deployed with committed suicide. He started his cross-country walk in Maine on August 8th. He expects his trip to take two years. He's posting his trek on his Facebook page, and if you would like to donate to his GoFundMe, his page can be found at: https://www.gofundme.com/2e4snybg.
Fort Benning, Georgia, and Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Microsoft Is Training Service Members For Civilian Careers In The IT Industry
Video: 08/21/16
view at: Task & Purpose »
Nearly 12% of all unfulfilled jobs in the U.S. are in the IT field. In October 2016, the Microsoft Software & Systems Academy will be offered in two new locations including Fort Benning, Georgia, and Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
In addition to these two new sites, the Academy is active in three other stateside locations and another six locations are projected to open as noted on this article's map.
Two Minute Brief: Women in the U.S. Military
Video: 08/13/16
view at: Military.com »
This video quickly covers women's service in the U.S. military over the past two centuries.
Motorcyclists Ride Cross-Country to El Paso for Military Women
Video: 07/19/16
view at: KFOX 14 »
A motorcycle group is passing through El Paso, Texas. They are making 15 stops in 15 days to raise awareness for the high rate of veteran suicide.
Members want to meet with El Paso's military women. Filmmakers traveling with the group are making a documentary focused on military women, mothers, sisters, and wives who are also impacted by the military.
They noted that "female veterans face higher unemployment rates, they are twice as likely to be homeless than their male veteran counterparts or women non-vets, gender-specific health care is lacking for women veterans and they face rape, sexual assaults and harassment. Sexual assaults increased by 50 percent in 2013."
Veterans Coming Home (PBS)
Video: 06/01/16
view at: PBS »
PBS notes: "Starting June 1, a 10-part digital series, Veterans Coming Home, will premiere on PBS.org using storytelling, media and dialogue to help veterans and communities understand the opportunities and challenges faced during a veteran’s transition to civilian life and to help bridge the military-civilian divide. Produced by The Kindling Group and Wisconsin Public Television with 13 other PBS stations, new episodes will premiere twice each week through the Fourth of July as part of PBS Stories of Service. Episodes from Veterans Coming Home will also be featured on partner sites and later in the year on public media’s World Channel. Veterans Coming Home is an innovative cross-platform public media campaign that bridges America's military-civilian divide by telling stories, challenging stereotypes and exploring how the values of service and citizenship are powerful connectors for all Americans."
Stories of Service (PBS)
Video: 05/27/16
view at: PBS »
"Stories of Service" is an initiative by public media sources to "unite powerful stories and conversations around one of our country's most resilient communities: our military veterans." The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) offers published and upcoming shows and films, educational resources, and transitional information for the military and veterans.
Senator Gillibrand May 24, 2016 Press Conference to Reintroduce Military Justice Improvement Act
Video: 05/24/16
view at: YouTube »
Senator Gillibrand reintroduced the Military Justice Improvement Act along with other senators, Protect Our Defenders, Servicewomen's Action Network, Vietnam Veterans of America, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and a survivor Samantha Jackson on May 24, 2016, which would take certain criminal offenses including sexual assault out of the military chain of command decision making process and instead, place these complex and difficult decisions in the hands of trained military legal professionals. The reintroduction is made in the context of misleading information the Pentagon provided at Congressional hearings last year. The information led Congress to believe that the military change of command has made significant improvements in the military justice system to ensure allegations of sexual assault were professionally addressed to include the elimination of retaliation against victims and that civilian legal entities were less willing than the military to prosecute sexual assault allegations. Current data reflects that prosecutions are stalled, the judicial process is rife with bias, and a lack of accountability and transparency. Senators continue to seek White House leadership.
Second-Ever All Women Patriot Honor Flight to Head to Washington DC
Video: 05/01/16
view at: Time Warner Cable News Capital Region »
The Patriot Honor Flight leaving from Albany Airport in New York on May 14, 2016 is the second-ever all-female Honor Flight to head to Washington D.C. Fifty-one women who served during World War II and the Korean, Vietnam and Cold Wars will tour the nation's capital to see the memorials built in their honor.
After Decades Avoiding the Water, Amputee Invents His Way to Dive Back In
Video: 04/28/16
view at: WCSH 6 »
Randy and Lori Lord of Danforth, Maine dedicated decades to developing a prosthetic to aid amputees to swim in their home kitchen. At one point they thought about giving up, but veterans returning from Iraq sparked their interest to continue. Today, they ship their "AMP FIN" worldwide. It is manufactured in Maine, they have a U.S. patent and are applying for country patents. They hope to open nationwide stores, managed exclusively by veterans.
Events, Shareables, and Outreach Materials (Department of Veterans Affairs)
Video: 04/20/16
view at: Department of Veterans Affairs Events, Shareables, and Outreach Materials »
The Department of Veterans Affairs provides an online portal with "free-to-use" tools to learn about or share veteran health care and other benefits information. You can join online chats and webinars scheduled on the "Events" page, use and share videos, images, and infographics or text message posted on the "Shareables" page, and download fact sheets, brochures, posters, and web badges from the "Outreach Materials" page.
Protect Our Defenders: YouTube Library
Video: 04/01/16
view at: YouTube: "Protect Our Defenders" Channel »
This YouTube channel is hosted by the only human rights organization dedicated to ending sexual assault in the U.S. military--Protect Our Defenders. Videos include military sexual assault survivor stories, news, and other related video uploads.
MST: Beyond the Headlines with Cheryl Jennings
Video: 03/29/16
view at: ABC 7 News »
Cheryl Jennings of ABC's "Beyond the Headlines" interviews two male military sexual assault (MST) survivors, the CEO and President of Protect Our Defenders, the Director of Gender Equity & LGBT Rights, and Senior Staff Attorney of the Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center. Sexual assault continues to be epidemic in the military and is not gender-specific. Statistics continue to reflect that more military men than military women are raped during their service. Continued reform of military law enforcement and justice systems is necessary to provide military members with an impartial and just process that they can access without fear of retaliation. Additionally, accessing MST survivors to physical and mental health care while in the military and as veterans is critical to their lifelong well being and self-sufficiency.
Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage Celebrates Nancy Parrish
Video: 02/29/16
view at: YouTube »
Nancy Parrish, Founder and CEO of Protect Our Defenders in 2011, was awarded the 2016 prize for social courage. Nancy has devoted much of her life to challenging social issues across the United States. Protect Our Defenders is "the only national human rights organization solely dedicated to ending the epidemic of sexual assault and harassment in the U.S. military and its wide-ranging effects on our communities." The New York Times noted that Protect Our Defenders has "quickly become the nation's pre-eminent advocacy group on behalf of victims of sexual assault in the military."
'I'm A Female And I'm A Veteran ... Those 2 Things Are Not Mutually Exclusive'
Audio: 02/27/16
hear at: National Public Radio/Maine Public Broadcasting Network »
Two women share their experiences and how the policies and laws have changed since they entered the military in 1973 and around 1993. Their service, along with millions of other women, will soon culminate a historic first for female service members when the military opens all front-line combat roles to women across all branches in April 2016.
Fort Carson's Female Ranger, Male Classmate Share Spotlight on Post
Video: 02/10/16
view at: The Gazette »
It wasn't easy for Lt. Shaye Haver and Staff Sgt. Michael Calderon to make it through the Army's elite Ranger School in summer 2015. They both share their perspectives of Ranger School, experiences since graduating, and whether or not gender is a factor in who is the right person for the job.
Questions, Frustration as Women Prepare to Join Combat Units
Video: 02/10/16
view at: MilitaryTimes »
Advocates and critics of women serving in U.S. military combat positions have many unanswered questions regarding the integration timeline, job standards, military leadership buy-in, and draft registration.
Austin Female Veterans Weigh in on Draft Registration Proposal
Video: 02/02/16
view at: Fox 7 »
Two women veterans from Austin, Texas share their continued pride of serving in the U.S. military. Regarding women's eligibility for the draft, one fully supports the change and believes it is a duty of citizenship. The other offers that it depends on an individual's interests and motivations.
Female Veteran on the Brink of Homelessness Gets Help
Video: 02/01/16
view at: NBC 4 News »
A Navy veteran found herself at risk of homelessness, a situation she never imagined herself in after serving as an aircraft controller in the Navy, an experience she enjoyed and was proud of. She said the transition out of the military was not as easy as she thought it would be and she thinks her pride got in the way of asking for help, but after receiving housing assistance and other support from Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, California, she is back on track with housing and employment. Interfaith's Executive Director says he serves more homeless women veterans than ever before--20 to 20 percent of the veterans he serves are women. He finds that providing the women with housing gives them the stability they need to move forward.
Osteoporosis and Soft-tissue Damage Affecting Female Veterans
Video: 01/27/16
view at: WCYB.com »
Different health issues face the next generation of veterans. Many of the women who served in Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn were there during their prime bone-building years. One physician attributes the prevalence of osteoporosis and soft-tissue damage to poor water supply and nutrition as well as carrying gear nearly equal to one's body weight. Treatment is most effective when treated early with diet, exercise, and vitamins.
Justice for Vets: Veterans Treatment Courts
Video: 01/18/16
view at: Justice for Vets »
Justice For Vets is a program designed to assist justice-involved veterans get back on track with a healthy and productive lifestyle. This model of justice recognizes that veterans' may leave the military with symptoms of substance abuse, a mental health disorder or cognitive impairment. The Veterans Treatment Court model requires regular court appearances, mandatory attendance at treatment sessions, and frequent and random testing for substance use (drug and/or alcohol). A veterans-only docket allows jurisdictions to focus on justice-involved veterans with judges supported by interdisciplinary community teams.
The program itself does not provide direct treatment or legal services.
Podcasts: Military Services' Worldwide Audio Library
Audio: 01/14/16
hear at: Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System »
The Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System maintains a comprehensive library of Department of Defense military services' podcasts including news and feature stories. The site has some search capability.
Military Services' Worldwide Video Library
Video: 01/14/16
view at: Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System »
The Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System maintains a comprehensive library of Department of Defense military services' videos including news and feature stories. The site has some search capability.
Exercise Brings Awareness to Combatting Human Trafficking
Video: 01/08/16
view at: Department of Defense »
The Joint Staff's Operational Contract Support Joint Exercise helps bring awareness to combating human trafficking and emphasizes what the Department of Defense is doing to prevent it. DOD states that it understands that when human trafficking occurs during military operations, it tarnishes America's image and impacts relationships with other countries.
Family Fighting to Allow Female World War II Pilots to Be Laid to Rest in Arlington National Cemetery
Video: 01/05/16
view at: ABC News »
World War II pilot veteran Elaine Harmon's family is fighting to preserve the rights for her and other female WWII pilots to be laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC). Harmon, at 25 years old, joined 1,000 other volunteer female pilots in 1944 as part of the Army's World War II Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) program. When she died in 2015, her family applied to have her ashes inurned at ANC. They were denied. On March 23, 2015, the Secretary of the Army rescinded the ANC Superintendent's 2002 decision.
The Female Veteran Video Project
Video: 12/09/15
view at: New Day Talk Radio »
The Female Veteran Video Project, sponsored by New Day Talk Radio, is an initiative "designed to tell the stories of our nation's SHEROs. This project is intended to " bring awareness to the fact that women are serving and making grave sacrifices for their families as well as their country." Lynette Jones, President of New Day Talk Radio, served in the U.S. Army. She is also producing the documentary "The Truth Behind the Camouflage" and developing the Female Veterans Project App, a military mobile Android app featuring accurate resource information for female veterans.
Podcasts: Back at Base: NPR Special Series
Audio: 12/09/15
hear at: NPR »
National Public Radio (NPR) offers a podcast special series, "Back to Base," covering a wide range of topics about the military, veterans, and their families. Topics include prosthetics, PTSD, veteran service organization membership, women in combat, family challenges, the future of National Guard units, military burial, technology, history and heritage, and much more.
The Female Veterans Project: New Day Talk Radio
Audio: 12/08/15
hear at: New Day Talk Radio »
The Female Veterans Project, sponsored by New Day Talk Radio, is an initiative "designed to tell the stories of our nations SHEROs. This project is intended to bring awareness to women who have served their country in peace time and war time." Lynette Jones, President of New Day Talk Radio, served in the U.S. Army. She is also producing the documentary "The Truth Behind the Camouflage" and developing the Female Veterans Project App, a military mobile Android app, featuring accurate resource information for female veterans.
Library: National Human Trafficking Resource Center Human Trafficking Online Training
Audio: 12/01/15
hear at: National Human Trafficking Resource Center »
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center "Human Trafficking Online Training" library includes many interactive training modules. They can be played at the user's pace, listened with the voiceover function, and voiceover text is also presented.
Military Female Combat "Lioness Program"
Video: 11/28/15
view at: YouTube »
The U.S. Marines "Lioness Program" is the forerunner to the FETs (Female Engagement Teams) and the U.S. Special Operations Cultural Support Teams (CSTs) operating in Afghanistan. The Marine Corps in Iraq used the "Lioness" teams to search female Iraqis for concealed weapons and contraband items due to cultural values. Operations of this program began in multiple key cities of Al Anbar province, building the trust and confidence of Iraqi women in the area, and opening up additional lines of communication.
Breast Cancer Update
Video: 10/15/15
view at: Library of Congress Breast Cancer Update »
Dr. Robert Clarke, Dean of Research at Georgetown University Medical Center and co-director of the Breast Cancer Program as well as a professor of oncology presents the most current breast cancer research information in a manner that most listeners will understand. He states that breast cancer is still the number two cancer killer of women with 1 in 8 being diagnosed with the disease. There is a transcript of the presentation as well as related webcasts posted as well.
140 Veterans Make History as First All-Female Honor Flight
Video: 09/23/15
view at: ABC News »
History was made when 140 women veterans flew to Washington D.C. on the first all-female honor flight. The women ranged in age from 28 to 96 and served during World War II, Korean, and Vietnam War eras. Until now, no local Honor Flight included more than 5 women veterans. The non-profit Honor Flight Network organizes free flights to Washington D.C. to visit memorials built to honor their service to the nation.
First All-Female Honor Flight Brings 140 Veterans to D.C.
Video: 09/22/15
view at: Fox News Insider »
Ohio women veterans made history when they flew free to Washington D.C. as the first all-female Honor Flight. They visited military-related sites and were honored at special presentation at the Women in Military Service Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. The non-profit Honor Flight Network organizes free flights to Washington D.C. to visit memorials built to honor their service to the nation.
Women-focused Honor Flight Highlights Their Service
Video: 09/22/15
view at: Military Times »
In Washington D.C., 140 female veterans gathered for the first women-only "Honor Flight' to tour the military service memorials and monuments. Organizers shared that "getting women veterans on those trips can be problematic because of stereotypes about their service and contributions, often from the women themselves." The established "Honor Flight" tour was tailored to include a special presentation at the Women in Military Service Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. The non-profit Honor Flight Network organizes free flights to Washington D.C. to visit memorials built to honor their service to the nation.
Honor Flights: All-Female Veteran Trips & Stories
Video: 09/22/15
view at: Department of Veterans Affairs VAntage Blog »
On September 22, 2015, the first all-female veteran arrived in Washington D.C. Honor Flight Network organizations nationwide fly veterans, female and male, to Washington D.C. in recognition of their military service. Local organizations are more frequently offering all-female veteran trips to visit the National Mall memorials and the Women in Military Service for America memorial in Arlington Cemetery. Amidst much preflight, inflight, and post-flight camaraderie, is a great deal of emotion surrounding each woman's military service experiences and memories.
Watch more all-female Honor Flight videos by searching "Honor Flight" in the WomenVetsUSA Video & Audio or Library section.
Coalition Radio Series
Audio: 09/13/15
hear at: Coalition to Salute America's Heroes »
The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes offers this radio series featuring episode contributions from guests from the veteran community. The series is hosted Coalition Ambassador Jack Scalia, an award-winning actor.
Human Trafficking: An Introduction for Military, Civilians, and Contractors
Audio: 09/10/15
hear at: Polaris Project »
The Polaris Project human trafficking training for the Department of Defense (DoD) is available online along with other training modules for other occupations and organizations likely to come into contact with the criminal exploitation of human beings. This module of 40 slides is in Adobe Presenter format with audible narration of the slides. The training defines human trafficking, identifies victim and trafficker profiles, defines the DoD policy, and offers means of combatting human trafficking.
Heal! Veterans and Their Service Dogs
Video: 09/06/15
view at: Vicki Topaz »
Vicki Topaz's documentary, "HEAL! Veterans and their Service Dogs," chronicles the healing journeys of veterans living with post-traumatic stress and other psychological disabilities and coping day-to-day with the help of their service dogs. The multi-media project includes portraits, in-depth interviews, video conversations, social media, and a dedicated website with topical information.
Operation Freedom Paws
Video: 09/06/15
view at: Operation Freedom Paws »
Operation Freedom Paws is a non-profit organization founded in 2010. They match dogs with veterans who have Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), Complex-Post Traumatic Stress (CPTS) and/or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) symptoms, or other physical, neurological, psychological or mobility needs. Veterans are trained to train their own dog, and then certified as a service dog team in a 48-week program. Most of the dogs come from rescue shelters. The goal is to help veterans feel safe and secure, manage their day-to-day lives, and get back out in their communities and begin to view their future with renewed hope.
Stop 22
Video: 08/30/15
view at: Stop 22 »
Stop 22, founded by Joe Swoboda of Levant, Maine, is an organization committed to raising public awareness about veteran suicides, which are now estimated to be at least 22 per day. Their site includes a few videos.
Sexual Assault Permeates U.S. Armed Military
Video: 08/29/15
view at: CBS News »
Katie Couric's interviews Jessica, an Army Apache helicopter maintenance crew member, who was assaulted and raped while assigned in South Korea. Jessica shares how she tried to fit into her unit, was not believed when she reported the assault, and ultimately left the Army continuing to struggle with assault and rape and the military's complicity with the alleged crime.
Joining Forces for Women Veterans and Military Spouses Mentoring Plus
Video: 08/27/15
view at: BPW Foundation »
The Business and Professional Women's (BPW's) site notes:
"Joining Forces Mentoring Plus® offers unlimited free personal coaching and professional guidance—including working women mentors—for women veterans of all ranks and eras, military/veteran spouses, caregivers of wounded warriors, and survivors of fallen soldiers, to help them successfully identify, outline, and pursue civilian careers. Our high tech-high touch framework meets women where they are to address the distinct challenges they face and provide exposure and access to education, credentialing, career development, and entry into the broadest spectrum of industry, services, and entrepreneurial endeavors. Click here to view Case Studies, Testimonials, and a Program Overview."
First Women Graduate Elite Army Ranger School
Video: 08/21/15
view at: VOA News »
Two women make history on August 21, 2015. VOA's Carla Babb reports from Fort Benning, Georgia as 94 men two women rise as graduates of the challenging Army Ranger school.
U.S. Army Ranger Graduation
Video: 08/21/15
view at: Fox 5 Live »
This is a video of the U.S. Army Ranger graduation on August 21, 2015. Captain Kristen Griest and 1Lt Shaye Haver, both Westpoint graduates, are the first two women to ever make it through Army Ranger school and pin on their Ranger tab.
Female Soldiers Make History
Video: 08/19/15
view at: ABC News »
Two Army servicewomen will likely make history by surviving the grueling Army Ranger course. Graduation is scheduled for August 21, 2015.
The Truth Behind the Camouflage Documentary
Video: 08/19/15
view at: YouTube »
"The Truth Behind the Camouflage", directed by Lynette Jones, is a documentary film intending to inform recommendations and solutions for the victims of sexual abuse in the military. The film includes interviews with women who served in the military as well as legislators. Lynette Jones served in the Army, completing multiple Gulf War tours of duty.
VA's CREATE: Women Veterans Healthcare Research Initiative
Video: 06/28/15
view at: VA »
The VA's "CREATE: Women Veterans Healthcare Initiative," one of several VA CREATE cross-functional research efforts, strives to 'conduct research to examine the essential factors that facilitate (or slow) the pace, effectiveness and outcomes of delivery of comprehensive care for women Veterans within the VA healthcare system.'
VA Research Video Library
Video: 06/28/15
view at: VA »
The VA Office of Research & Development video library archive highlights research in cancer, cardiovascular disease and stroke, diabetes, genomics, equity, hearing loss, pain management, Parkinson's disease, PTSD, prosthetics, TBI, vision loss, and women's health care. Also included past VA events and an interview with Stephen Cochran, veteran and country music star.
Podcasts: Military Money Minutes
Audio: 06/01/15
hear at: In Charge »
In Charge's Military Money Minutes podcasts review a host of money and financial issues that everyone deals with on a day-to-day basis. They offer tips and tools to make decisions that encourage thoughtful personal money and finance management decisions about cash, savings, credit and debt managment, emergency funds, marital and family decisions, student and home loans, credit reports, predatory schools and universities, charitable donations, auto purchasing and much more.
Geared To Give - Partnership Between Kubota Tractor Corporation and Farmer Veteran Coalition
Video: 06/01/15
view at: YouTube »
"Geared to Give" was launched by Kubota Tractor Corporation in March 2015. The program, in partnership with the Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC), will provide financial support and donate Kubota equipment to U.S. military veterans pursuing a future in farming.
American Heroes Channel
Video: 05/22/15
view at: American Heroes Channel »
On May 24, 2015, Memorial Day, and each Sunday morning afterwards, the American Hero Channel (AHC) offers an exclusive "SALUTE TO SACRIFICE" programming block from 9 a.m. ET to 12 p.m. ET. "SALUTE TO SACRIFICE" features some of the most heroic stories from AHC and also highlights partner organization initiatives in addition to online resources. AHC collaborated with The American Legion, the Bob Woodruff Foundation, Got Your 6, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), Team Rubicon, USO (United Service Organizations), and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). When you visit this site, you enter your zip code and television service provider to identify what channel to watch programming.
C4WV/Caring4Women Veterans (VA App for Health Care Service Providers)
Video: 05/15/15
view at: YouTube »
The Department of Veterans Affairs developed this app to provide both VA and non-VA service providers with tools and resources to understand women veteran health needs.
VA Women Veteran Health Care
Video: 05/06/15
view at: YouTube »
The Veterans Administration (VA) has a YouTube Channel with a number of "Playlists" including many videos on VA women veterans health.
Journey to Normal: Women of War Come Home
Video: 05/01/15
view at: Journey to Normal »
This documentary, scheduled for release in Spring 2015, recounts the unprecedented story of women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Filmmaker JulieHera DeStefano's project explores the psychological and social dynamics of their service and their reintegration into civilian life. She wanted the film to preserve their stories.
Secretary of Defense Briefing: Military Sexual Assault (2014 SAPRO Report)
Video: 05/01/15
view at: C-SPAN »
C-SPAN maintains a comprehensive video library covering military sexual assault. Videos include briefings from the Secretaries of Defense, senior military members, Congressional members and panels.
Women in Combat
Video: 05/01/15
view at: C-SPAN »
C-SPAN maintains a comprehensive video library covering the full integration of women into all military occupations, combat and noncombat. Videos include briefings from military women who served in combat, the Secretaries of Defense, senior military members, Congressional members, panels.
Book Interview: Crossed Currents: Navy Women from WWI to Tailhook (1998)
Video: 05/01/15
view at: C-SPAN »
Ms. Marie Beth Hall and Ms. Jean Ebbert talked about their book "Crossed Currents: Navy Women from WWI to Tailhook" and took audience calls, faxes and electronic mail in this Januar 3, 1998 C-SPAN televised interview.
Sexual Assault in the Military
Video: 05/01/15
view at: C-SPAN »
In December 2014, Secretary of Defense (SecDef) Carter released the Department of Defense's (DOD) topline analysis of its annual report on sexual assault in the military. This follow-up briefing was focused on four new SecDef directives to further strengthen the prevention and response program. The new directives included updating prevention training to include sexual harassment, gender-sensitive care for male and female survivors and development of a DOD-wide strategy to prevent retaliation.
Women in Combat, Representatives Sanchez and McSally
Video: 04/27/15
view at: C-Span »
Congressmen Sanchez and McSally spoke about their support for integration in the military by pre-recorded videos. Panel members discussed how Congressional members have been tracking the integration of women into military combat occupations.
Department of Defense Videos/Playlists/Channels
Video: 04/26/15
view at: YouTube »
This is a comprehensive library of Department of Defense videos, playlists, channels and discussions. A search for military women's history and activities results in extensive resources.
Veterans History Project
Audio: 04/24/15
hear at: Library of Congress »
The Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal oral history accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war. The site has search capability and links to other oral history sites.
Revealed: Violent, Sexual Unofficial Air Force Songbook
Video: 04/09/15
view at: MSNBC »
Krystal Ball explores a story undercovered about a new strategy for combatting high rates of sexual assault in the military and reform the military justice system. Guest is Colonel Don Christensen, former chief prosecutor of the U-S Air Force and President of Protect Our Defenders.
Podcasts: Command Your Business
Audio: 04/07/15
hear at: Stitcher »
The Command Your Business Podcast interviews Veteran Entrepreneurs, Veteran Business Owners, and Military Spouse Entrepreneurs. Find out what they learned from serving in the armed forces and how that allowed them to excel as Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders.
Podcasts: The Military Wallet
Audio: 04/03/15
hear at: STITCHER/iTunes »
Ryan Guina offers up to date information on current benefits programs for active duty members, retirees, members of the Guard and Reserves, veterans, and their family members. Topics such as pay & benefits, pensions, VA disability claims, VA Loans, GI Bill, Thrift Savings Plan, and much more. The MilitaryWallet.com is not connected with the Department of Veterans Affairs or any government agency and is for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content on this site should not be considered professional financial advice. References to third party products, rates, and offers may change without notice. All reviews on this site represent the opinions of the author.
Podcasts: Veterans Chronicles
Video: 03/27/15
view at: Radio America »
Veterans Chronicles is an hour-long program that tells the stories of America's greatest heroes in their own words. Featuring interviews with eyewitnesses to the great, and tragic, moments in military history. From D-Day to Iwo Jima, Khe Sanh to the "Hanoi Hilton", Baghdad to Fallujah, the liberation of Grenada to the liberation of Afghanistan; Veterans Chronicles is history told from the perspective of those who were there
Podcast: Fly Girls
Audio: 03/19/15
hear at: Radio Diaries »
The history of women in flight has a lot of firsts. And in 1993 – after Congress lifted the ban against women flying in combat – Jeannie Leavitt became America's first female fighter pilot. She flew a total of 300 combat hours over Iraq and Afghanistan. But women actually started flying military aircraft much earlier – five decades earlier. During World War II.
Why homecoming can be particularly hard for female veterans
Video: 03/04/15
view at: Public Broadcasting Service »
When women leave military service, they may find "that veteran services fall short of their needs. Unemployment rates for female veterans are higher than for other women, as well as for male veterans. Female veterans are at least twice as likely to be homeless than women who haven't worn a uniform. Special correspondent Gayle Tzemach Lemmon reports on the challenges they face."
Why Homecoming Can Be Particularly Hard for Female Veterans
Audio: 03/04/15
hear at: Public Broadcasting System »
When women leave military service, they may find "that veteran services fall short of their needs. Unemployment rates for female veterans are higher than for other women, as well as for male veterans. Female veterans are at least twice as likely to be homeless than women who haven't worn a uniform. Special correspondent Gayle Tzemach Lemmon reports on the challenges they face."
Lauren: Season 1
Video: 02/03/15
view at: Lauren: Season 1, Episodes 1-3 »
A soldier reports her sexual assault to a female supervisor. She is forced to choose between military service and what is right.
Lauren: Season 2
Video: 02/03/15
view at: Lauren: Season 2, Episodes 1-12 »
A soldier reports her sexual assault to a female supervisor. She is forced to choose between military service and what is right.
Chaos is Home After TWO Years!
Video: 01/04/15
view at: WESH 2 »
"Dogs on Deployment's" provides an online resource for military members to search for volunteers willing to board their pets during deployments. They also provide resources, education, and advocacy for the military pet community, their Pet Owners and DoD Boarders.
Women Warriors: A Vision of Valor (2014)
Video: 12/31/14
view at: Culture Unplugged »
The documentary examines the historical evolution of women's roles in combat or combat support in the United States military. Ten women veterans were interviewed. This 49-minute feature documentary will be added to the Library of Congress as part of their Veteran's History Project.
Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict - Highlights
Video: 12/12/14
view at: YouTube »
The Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, 0-13 June 2014 at ExCel London, was the largest gathering ever brought together on this issue, with 1,700 delegates and 123 country delegations including 79 Ministers. The Summit agreed practical steps to tackle impunity for the use of rape as a weapon of war, and to begin to change global attitudes to these crimes. You can read more about the Global Summit here: http://ow.ly/FMRii
Podcast: Under the Radar (Episode 63)
Audio: 12/05/14
hear at: DecodeDC »
The Scripps Washington Bureau, in an exhaustive, unprecedented review of more than 1,300 military court martial cases, discovered at least 242 convicted military rapists, child molesters, and other sex offenders have fallen under the radar and slipped through what a member of the House Armed Services Committee calls a "gaping loophole" in the system.
Fix the Broken Military Justice System--Full Press Conference
Video: 12/03/14
view at: You Tube »
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) hosted a press conference to discuss her bipartisan Military Justice Improvement Act (MJIA) with Susan Collins (R-ME), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Rand Paul (R-KY). This legislation would remove the decision to prosecute major felonies, including rape and sexual assault, from the conflicted and often-biased chain of command. Professionally trained, independent prosecutors would make these decisions.
Call for Military Justice System Reform by Air Force Prosecutor
Video: 12/01/14
view at: Protect Our Defenders »
Don Christensen, Colonel, USAF (Ret.) served as chief prosecutor for the United States Air Force between 2010 and 2014. He proposes reform of the military justice system that would promote its evolution into an independent, impartial and professional system of law.
Air Force Academy Cadet Goes Undercover to Fight Sexual Assault
Video: 10/30/14
view at: ABC News »
ABC news interviews a freshman Air Force Academy cadet who was sexually assaulted. The interview explores alleged retaliation and reprisal associated with Operation Gridiron.
Women in War
Video: 10/01/14
view at: Makers »
The documentary "Women in War" was produced and directed by Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing. It is about 54 minutes long. A historical perspective of the integration of women into the U.S military as told by several successful servicewomen.
Unsung Heroes: The Story of America's Female Patriots
Video: 08/12/14
view at: Mill Creek Entertainment »
Mill Creek Entertainment says that Unsung Heroes: The Story of America's Female Patriots is a 2 hour, 2-part documentary that " illustrates the enormous accomplishments and profound sacrifices of our female patriots through on-camera interviews, personal memorabilia, rare photographs and archival materials. At the heart of the documentary are first-hand accounts from the women who have lived the story including Admiral Michelle Howard and General Ann Dunwoody, the two highest ranking women in the history of the American military, the first woman to earn the Silver Star for heroism in combat, Sergeant Leigh Ann Hester, the first female Thunderbird pilot, the last surviving POW from WWII and many more. The film is an inspirational saga of unrecognized courage and sacrifice that touches every community in the nation." Ron Howard, an Academy Award winning filmmaker, was the executive producer. It first aired on national public television Memorial Day weekend 2014.
The Silent Truth Documentary
Video: 08/07/14
view at: iTunes »
Ninety-four US military women in the military died in Iraq or during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). 'The Silent Truth' tells the story of PFC LaVena Lynn Johnson who was found dead on Balad Air Force Base in Iraq. Forensic evidence, obtained by the Johnson family through the Freedom of Information Act, brings the army's findings that LaVena shot herself with her own M16 rifle into question. The Army refuses to re-open LaVena Johnson's case, leaving the family in limbo. 'The Silent Truth' follows the Johnson's pursuit of justice and truth for their daughter. Links to view:
Former Korean Comfort Women for U.S. Troops Sue Own Government
Video: 07/19/14
view at: YouTube »
122 "comfort women" are suing the South Korean government for forcing them into prostitution to serve U.S. military men in the 1960s and 1970s.
Sexual Assault/Trauma/Department of Defense
Video: 07/02/14
view at: YouTube »
These Department of Defense videos address sexual assault in the military.
"Singers" in the Band Documentary (U.S. Military/Prostitution/Human Trafficking)
Video: 06/01/14
view at: "Singers" in the Band Documentary »
This documentary, "Singers In The Band," by Oscar award winner David Goodman "exposes an incredibly elaborate and insidious scam that involves three nations, global sex traffickers, bar/club/hotel owners and the U.S. military all as links in a chain that entraps innocent victims. The film tells the compelling personal stories of women and girls within the broader picture of the sex trade and international politics while unflinchingly examining the way military culture supports prostitution and human trafficking." Through the stories of several Filipina women, the unscrupulous "recruitment" of at-risk & marginalized women & children becomes a heinous reality.
Podcasts: Military.com
Audio: 06/01/14
hear at: Military.com »
There are many 2006-2014 podcasts posted covering a wide variety of veteran-related topics with "search" capability. Two categories are "Benefits and Resources" and "The Military Benefits Podcast."
Unsung Heroes: The Story of America's Female Patriots
Video: 05/25/14
view at: YouTube »
"Unsung Heroes: The Story of America's Female Patriots" is a two-hour documentary film first aired in May 2014 on public television. Executive Producer Ron Howard and Director Frank Martin's film acknowledges the unrecognized achievements of America's female warriors.
The History of Women in the Military
Video: 05/10/14
view at: YouTube »
This video follows America's daughters back in time to see how they made history and the barriers they broke. The half-hour film includes servicewomen interviews and historical clips
Our Military’s Disgrace: A Preview of Our Latest Cover Story
Video: 04/23/14
view at: MACLEANS »
Rape in the Military was the headline on a Maclean's cover in 1998—one of four cover stories that year stemming from a nine-month investigation into disturbing behaviour in the Canadian Forces. Now, 16 years later, Maclean's and its sister magazine, L'actualité, are co-publishing another months-long investigation into the sexual violence that still plagues the Canadian military.
Podcast: Empowering and Supporting Women Military Leadership
Audio: 03/08/14
hear at: Hipcast »
The women on this panel are on the front lines of breaking barriers and demanding respect in their fields. They are breaking walls of steel and making great progress in male dominated cultures. They know how to lead, create value, and clear paths. Come to meet the First to Reach Flag Rank and Female Generals who consistently lead from the front.
Filing Appeals at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Video: 01/10/14
view at: The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program »
The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program provides free legal assistance to veterans or their family members who intend to or have filed appeals at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (http://www.uscourts.cavc.gov). These videos introduce the Pro Bono Program, provide an overview of appeal process and how to follow case "docket card" status on line. The Pro Bono Program has many more videos on their YouTube Channel.
South Korea's 'Juicy Bars': One Woman's Story of Slavery and Escape
Video: 12/18/13
view at: CNN »
Women working in bars just outside of U.S. military bases in South Korea are often forced to do far more than serve juice. The U.S. military is warning its soldiers that these women, often trafficked from the Philippines, are modern day slaves. But the bars are still in business.
Artemis Rising Recovery Program for Military Sexual Trauma Survivors
Video: 12/12/13
view at: YouTube »
The Artemis Rising Recovery Program was inspired by the 2012 "The Invisible War" documentary. Program Director Mylea Charvat and graduates of the recovery program Kate Weber and Victoria Sanders discuss their personal experiences and participation of the recovery program. The program combines a variety of non-pharmaceutical healing methods that are evidence based and highly effective for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The program is offered free of charge to MST survivors with a generous Artemis Rising Foundation grant combined with individual donations.
War Zone/Comfort Zone (Homeless Women Vets in CT)
Video: 11/06/13
view at: World »
War Zone/Comfort Zone is the personal story of women veterans' plight for normalcy and peace without the benefit of a comprehensive support system. Shalini Madaras and Joy Kiss fight to open the first transitional house for women veterans in the state of Connecticut despite virulent neighborhood opposition. With the use of interviews and footage, the documentary also tells the story of four women who are coping with life after the military, providing a surprising look into the lives of these invisible veterans.
Effects of Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault on the Army Profession: A Victim and Leader Perspective
Video: 10/13/13
view at: Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE) »
A victim of sexual assault as a Private First Class. Her unit's leadership set a standard which she now uses to train and educate her leaders on how to handle these cases. She is sharing her story to help fellow Army professionals better understand the needs of sexual assault victims, in order to eradicate this crime that undermines trust and tarnishes our Army profession.
The Women Outside: Part 1 of 4--Korean Comfort Women and U.S. Military
Video: 10/11/13
view at: YouTube »
This film series documents the history of Korean "Comfort Women" and the U.S. military after 1945. It examines the "camp towns" (bars, brothels and restaurants) surrounding U.S. bases and the U.S. government's official and unofficial responses to prostitution in South Korea.
The Women Outside: Part 2 of 4--Korean Comfort Women and the U.S. Military
Video: 10/11/13
view at: YouTube »
This film series documents the history of Korean "Comfort Women" and the U.S. military after 1945. It examines the "camp towns" (bars, brothels and restaurants) surrounding U.S. bases and the U.S. government's official and unofficial responses to prostitution in South Korea.
The Women Outside: Part 3 of 4--Korean Comfort Women and the U.S. Military
Video: 10/11/13
view at: YouTube »
This film series documents the history of Korean "Comfort Women" and the U.S. military after 1945. It examines the "camp towns" (bars, brothels and restaurants) surrounding U.S. bases and the U.S. government's official and unofficial responses to prostitution in South Korea.
The Women Outside: Part 4 of 4--Korean Comfort Women and the U.S. Military
Video: 10/11/13
view at: YouTube »
This film series documents the history of Korean "Comfort Women" and the U.S. military after 1945. It examines the "camp towns" (bars, brothels and restaurants) surrounding U.S. bases and the U.S. government's official and unofficial responses to prostitution in South Korea.
Justice Denied: Male Military Sexual Assault Documentary
Video: 09/21/13
view at: Justice Denied Movie »
The documentary, Justice Denied, world premier was hosted at the Albuquerque Film and Media Experience in Albuquerque, New Mexico June 3-9 , 2013. Servicemen who survived sexual assault in the military share their stories in hopes of raising public awareness of the epidemic, promoting reform of military laws and judicial system, and improving military and veteran health care services.
A Different Journey
Video: 09/04/13
view at: Vimeo »
Robert Foley, retired Navy Seal, shares how his healing journey with equine therapy helps him cope with chronic physical and mental pain day to day.
David Goodman On Making “‘Singers’ in the Band” - Extended Interview
Video: 07/10/13
view at: Vimeo »
Oscar© winner and social activist David Goodman will release a documentary in 2014 which has been nearly three decades in the making. "Singers in the Band" tells the true stories of some of the most at risk and marginalized women in the world today. Filipino women, through fraud, are "trained to be band singers." Ultimately, they are exploited and trafficked to South Korea whose customers are U.S. military personnel and contractors.
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Annual Enforcement Report Hearings
Video: 06/22/13
view at: C-SPAN »
Narrative: The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights hosts one annual Enforcement Report hearing followed by a report. These three panels testified on January 11, 2013. Public comments were also collected for a few months. Hearing transcripts are posted at: http://www.usccr.gov/calendar/transcripts.php. The final report is projected to be released in September 2013.
The Fight Against Sexual Assault Has Just Begun
Video: 05/22/13
view at: NBC »
Senators Collins (R-ME) and Gillibrand (D-NY) and Representative Spier (D-CA) discuss with NBC the need for military justice system reform to ensure sexual assault victims receive impartial justice with no retailiation or humiliation.
Feres Doctrine and the Obstacles to Justice for Military Rape Victims
Video: 05/09/13
view at: PBS »
Military sexual assault victims face a myriad of substantial obstacles. Their judge chooses the jury, and change the charge, reduce the sentence, and overturn a verdict. The judges may not have any legal education, background, or knowledge. Additionally, with the Feres Doctrine, the Tort Claims Act was expanded, banning servicemembers from suing for any injuries that "arise out of or are in the course of activity incident to service." Its "stretch" prevents servicemembers from suing the military, including victims of rape. In essence, servicemembers are blocked from civil courts.
WIMSA: Women In Military Service For America Memorial
Video: 03/26/13
view at: YouTube VA »
The American Veteran shot on location at Women In Military Service For America Memorial or WIMSA. WIMSA CEO, General Wilma Vaught, talks to us about the museum's mission to capture and preserve the history and stories of servicewomen of the US.
Trauma Sets Female Veterans Adrift Back Home
Video: 02/27/13
view at: New York Times »
Women veterans the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. They are often-invisible, "bouncing between sofa and air mattress, overnighting in public storage lockers, living in cars and learning to park inconspicuously on the outskirts of shopping centers to avoid the violence of the streets." Pathways to homelessness differ between male and female veterans. Military Sexual Trauma (MST), from assaults or harassment during their service which can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, is a common pathway for women veterans.
USFK Public Affairs Video Links 'Juicy Bars' with Human Trafficking
Video: 12/20/12
view at: Stars and Stripes »
U.S. Forces Korea Public Affairs is promoting a video acknowledging that the bars routinely patronized by thousands of American soldiers encourage the sexual exploitation of the young hostesses who work there. This video was released two years after the U.S. State Department cited Korean "juicy bars" for suspected human trafficking.
Poster Girl
Video: 07/30/12
view at: HBO »
Robynn Murray was 19 years old when she enlisted in the Army just after 9/11, understanding she would serve in Civil Affairs and help the Iraqi people. Soon after her arrival in theater, she was assigned as a machine gunner for a 20-vehicle convoy. This documentary was directed and filmed by Sara Nesson.
Podcast: Women on the Front Lines
Audio: 02/13/12
hear at: NPR »
American women in the U.S. military were officially barred from being assigned to direct combat roles. But in Iraq and Afghanistan, that line became blurred in wars without clear front lines. When your transport column is under fire, you're in combat. When you're on foot, in uniform and armed in Khandahar, you're in combat country. Now the rules are changing, slightly. Should they change a lot? Or not?
A Look Inside the U.S. Marines Female Engagement Teams
Video: 02/08/12
view at: YouTube »
This video is a short story about how the U.S. Marines Corps is using Female Engagement Teams to engage the population of Afghanistan to assist with counterinsurgency efforts.
The Invisible War
Video: 01/19/12
view at: The Invisible War »
This powerful 2012 groundbreaking investigative documentary prompted Secretary of Defense Panetta to publicly disclose the sexual assault epidemic in the U.S. military in April 2012. Since then, over 50 legal, policy and regulatory reforms in addition to organization-wide training have evolved to change the military's justice system, investigation and law enforcement practices, medical forensic protocols, mental health diagnoses and security clearance requirements. To date, the reform momentum remains high with continued general public interest and Congressional action.
Podcasts: Women, War & Peace
Audio: 11/01/11
hear at: PBS/iTunes »
This series of 10 podcasts explores women, in and out of uniform, during war time.
Women, War and Peace
Video: 10/11/11
view at: PBS »
Women, War & Peace is a bold new PBS 5-episode mini-series challenging the conventional wisdom that war and peace are men's domain. The series places women at the center of an urgent dialogue about conflict and security and reframes our understanding of modern warfare.
Service: When Women Come Marching Home
Video: 01/01/11
view at: Service »
This 2011 documentary portrays the courage of several women veterans as they transition from active duty to their civilian lives. They share their horrific traumas, invisible as well as physical injuries and all their challenges in receiving benefits and care. From the deserts of Afghanistan to rural Tennessee, from Iraq to New York City, we watch these women wrestle with prosthetics, homelessness, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Military Sexual Trauma.
Sisters in Arms
Video: 11/12/10
view at: Sister in Arms »
Only a handful of countries permit women to fight in ground combat. In 1989, Canada opened up all military positions to women and in 2005, women fought in frontline combat for the first time. In 2013, the U.S. Pentagon lifted its ban on women in combat roles and, for the first time in American history, women will be permitted to train as combat soldiers.
Podcast: Women Soldiers in the Revolutionary War
Audio: 05/31/10
hear at: Colonial Williamsburg »
Determined women disguised themselves as men to fight in the Revolutionary War. Historian Joyce Henry brings us the story of Anna Maria Lane.
Video: 01/01/10
view at: Room 11 Productions »
How did a group of female support soldiers-mechanics, supply clerks and engineers-end up fighting alongside the Marines in some of the bloodiest counterinsurgency battles of the Iraq war? Find out in Lioness, a 2008 film about female combat veterans.
Experiencing War: Women of Four Wars
Video: 03/04/08
view at: Library of Congress "Experiencing War: Women of Four Wars" »
After World War II, American women served in four major wars. In Asian countries, the Korean and Vietnam Wars were marked by the politics of the Cold War. In response to Middle East tensions and the 9/11 attacks, the Persian Gulf War and the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq were fought. There were a few advances for women during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Women's roles in the Middle East were significantly different, including serving in combat zones with loss of life and limb. The Library of Congress "Veterans History Project" includes "Experiencing War: Women of Four Wars." Women's stories about their service in the Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Iraq and Afghanistan wars shares their contributions and the changes in their military service roles.