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2017 National Women Veterans Summit in Houston, TX August 25, 2017 Only (August 26th Cancelled Due to Hurricane)

Date Posted: Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is hosting a national women veterans summit in Houston, Texas on August 25, 2017. The summit intends to provide a venue for women veterans, caregivers, private industry, nonprofit organizations, government, innovators, and researchers to identify challenges, opportunities, and best practices to inform future health and benefits for women with military service. Training, information, and guidance about navigating VA and community resources will also be offered.

Women veterans share many of the same challenges as male veterans along with some differing experiences. Today 10% of veterans are women and expected to increase to 15% by 2030. They are younger and more ethnically diverse than their male peers.

The VA's most recent women veterans summit was hosted in Washington D.C. in 2011.

Read the full article at: Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Women Veterans