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Women Veterans' Health Curriculum: VA Offers Online Educational Campus to Public

Date Posted: Thursday, July 7, 2016

Category: Health Care - National

The Veterans Health Administration's (VHA) "Women's Health Curriculum" is available to the public. A great deal of women's health care that the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) does not yet offer at its nationwide Medical Centers and/or community-based clinics is fee-serviced out to community providers. These courses may prove beneficial to providers caring for women with military service.

VHA began providing medical and psychosocial services to women in 1988, when women represented 4.4% of all Veterans. Today, women Veterans make up more than 15% of the total US Veteran population. The majority of new female Veterans served in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and VHA recognizes that both provider and nursing personnel could benefit from a program to update their competencies in women's health.

Read the full article at: Department of Veterans Affairs MyVeHU Campus