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Go Red for Women: National Heart Month

Wednesday, February 1, 2023 | Category: Health Care - National

February is the national campaign month to raise awareness about women's heart health.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women with and without military service. Please click on link for more information.

Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Sunday, January 22, 2023 | Category: Human Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation - International

The Department of Defense is hosting a conference on January 11, 2023, :30-11:00 a.m. EST at the Pentagon Auditorium.

The Department of Defense “Combating Trafficking in Persons” vision as of January 2023:

The Department of Defense (DoD) sustains an effective program to combat trafficking in persons in both its domestic and international environments.

To institutionalize Department of Defense Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) policy and programs and set conditions for effective prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnering activities in concert with, and supportive of, national efforts.

Guiding Principles
Reduce the risk and incidence of trafficking in persons within DoD's garrison and deployed operations
Identify victims and help alleviate suffering
Improve monitoring and reporting
Identify criminal activity
Educate stakeholders on DoD's stance on trafficking in persons
Train all DoD personnel on combating trafficking in persons
Inform contractors of DoD CTIP policies and best practices

Wreaths Across America Day

Saturday, December 17, 2022 | Category: History/Heritage - International

Website Description:

‘Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, our mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 2,500 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad.’

The laying of wreaths occurs the third Saturday in December annually.

National Veterans and Military Families Month

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

November is National Veterans and Military Families Month. Use the information highlighted in this downloadable fact sheet to help you celebrate the strengths of military families and their contributions to the military community and our nation.


This link below lists opportunities and activities scheduled around the nation.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Saturday, October 1, 2022 | Category: Mental Health - National

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is October 1-31 annually. Domestic violence officially became a separate crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice when President Donald Trump signed the annual defense authorization act into law next week. Visit the August 9, 2018 Military Times article linked below authored by Leo Shane III.

October 18th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Military Women’s Memorial (Chartered 1997)

Friday, September 30, 2022 | Category: History/Heritage - National

The Military Women’s Memorial is a one-of-a-kind tribute to America’s Servicewomen, past and present. The Memorial features an education center, interactive exhibits, a world-class collection of military women’s stories.

October 1st is the annual memorial dedication anniversary day.

National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Thursday, September 1, 2022 | Category: Mental Health - National

September is the month designated as the National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Governmental and non-governmental agencies provide services to veterans and their families. Veterans and military can access the 24/7 VA Crisis Line at:

Dial 988 and then Press 1

Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Releases 2017 Report

Tuesday, August 30, 2022 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

The Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS) released its 2017 annual report. The Committee advises the Defense Department on matters and policies relating to women in U.S. armed forces.

Women’s Equality Day: August 26, 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022 | Category: History/Heritage - National

The History of Women’s Equality Day

At the behest of Rep. Bella Abzug (D-NY), in 1971 and passed in 1973, the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day.” The date was selected to commemorate the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote. This was the culmination of a massive, peaceful civil rights movement by women that had its formal beginnings in 1848 at the world’s first women’s rights convention, in Seneca Falls, New York. The observance of Women’s Equality Day not only commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, but also calls attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality. Workplaces, libraries, organizations, and public facilities now participate with Women’s Equality Day programs, displays, video showings, or other activities.

Excerpt from “National Women’s History Alliance” website, August 1, 2021

American Veteran: PBS Digital Series

Monday, January 24, 2022 | Category: History/Heritage - National

PBS Digital Series Quoted Description:

‘ Today, America has nearly 18 million living military veterans, from the “Greatest Generation” to men and women coming home from recent tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. They join the now-silent ranks of American veterans reaching back to our earliest conflict, the Revolutionary War.

American Veteran illuminates the veteran experience with a stunning range of voices from today and across the arc of American history.

The military is part of America’s founding story – a project to which, as George Washington put it, every citizen owed “his personal services.” In war and in peace, what veterans have done in America’s name, and how they have been treated when they return, is woven into the fabric of the American story and has had a profound impact on our nation.

For those who have served, from the beginning of the republic to the present, military service has been a transformative experience. What is that experience, and how does it change the men and women who have joined the ranks? And throughout the nation’s history, how have vets been perceived? Sometimes honored, sometimes reviled, ignored, or forgotten, veterans may re-enter civilian life to encounter a population that often has little or no knowledge of their experience.

"American Veteran" Panel Discussion and Q&A

Recorded on Nov. 10 in partnership with the Military Women's Memorial, this 60-minute virtual conversation is moderated by Army veteran Kelly Kennedy, an "American Veteran" consulting producer and award-winning journalism, and features highlights from the multi-platform initiative.’

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